
For the perfect harmony of body, mind and the spirit.

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There is no art form that cannot be used in Theatre.

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Martial Arts

The highly intelligent and intuitive human body which when nurtured properly can create wonders.

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Companies need to be treated as living entities with experiences and expressions rather than being treated as machines with no life.

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What is Katha Arts ?

Katha - meaning story. Telling stories has been the foundation of human existence since time immemorial. Many great civilisations have great stories to tell. Many great individuals share great stories from their life. There is a natural craving for every individual to tell stories to others which is irrespective of caste, creed, profession, gender, etc.

The greatest gift that one can gift themselves is a body that can Explore, Experience & Express to tell stories without any resistance.

Can my body become a tool to express myself through stories?

We at Katha Arts emphasise on bringing in various traditional art forms to facilitate the individual in telling his/her story in the best possible way.

For this we propose to expose the individual to three different traditional forms.

Yoga - for connecting the body with the breath and hence becoming more aware of One’s Self.

Martial Arts - Kalari & Silambam the ancient martial art forms of India emphasise a lot on going with the flow and yet keeping the flow in control.

Theatre - provides a safer environment where one can explore the unknown territories of One’s Self and experiment with new responses.

Katha Arts Performance

Surya Namaskaram

Kalari Namaskaram

Silambam Hand Movements

Flute Sticks

Silambam Vaal Veechu

Varaaga Vadivu