Gone are the days when the organisations were looked as mechanised entities. Today the speed and complexity of the business environment has forced the organisations to take a different approach. Similar to a living entity an organisation too should be able to adapt and change according to the environment.

But can the organisations be looked as a living thing? What has to be done for that?

We at Katha Arts actively incorporate the philosophies of traditional art forms into the practices of business. By doing so there is a wholesomeness in the structure and framework of the company.

Art philosophies for business practices provides space for intensity, expression, being dynamic, staying focussed and most importantly togetherness. We offer a variety of modules that will bring about changes in the way an organisation functions.

We offer a variety of modules that will bring about changes in the way an organisation functions.

The Inner Game of Kalari - for an overall understanding of Kalari as an art form and how it can used for Self-Development
- Duration half a Day

Self-defence workshop - to emphasise the importance of defending one self in situation of duress using traditional martial arts.
- Duration half a Day

Art & Management - a perfect start to understand the importance of bringing in the practices of art forms into the practices of management.
- Duration half a day

Yoga for Actors - Who is an Actor? Actors are the ones who are sensitive to others and themselves too. It is this sensitivity which makes them highly intuitive and creative. This workshop is aimed at improving one’s own sensitivity, spontaneity & creativity through Yoga. (this workshop is not limited to professional actors alone, this is for all those who want to be as lively as possible in their professional and personal front)
- Duration One Day

Yoga for stress relief and relaxation - corporate employees are at a high risk of stress related diseases, hence an awareness through yoga becomes all the more important.
- Duration Half a Day

The Actor & The Stage - to explore the unlimited possibilities that a Stage can offer. Unleash your creativity and let there be flow of expressions.
- Duration One day

Heroes reflection - consists of seven modules that are meant to explore the Hero within One Self and nurturing that Hero to Be the Best that One can be.
Duration - one full day for each module

Veera Dharma - an experiential lab for those who are willing to listen to the Warrior inside, the Warrior who wants to explore, experience & engage with Life rather than just Living it.
- Duration - 4-5 days (Residential)

Invoking Prakriti - This is a workshop specifically designed to explore the deeper and subtle nuances of the feminine energy and how it can be harnessed for building a healthier atmosphere in the work space.
Duration - 3 to 4 days